
Organisations de la Société Civile Appuyées et Renforcées


BiRD-Bureau for Institutional
Reform and Democracy


Implementing Agency ECO (leader), Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy GmbH
Financing Agency
European Commission - EDF
Start-Completion 03/2006­02/2009
Staff-months 4/36
Partner ECO (leader)
Project Background

Despite the economic development of Benin, the poverty rate remains high. The quality of public services is poor, while there are no private initiatives that could replace them. The partnership between national authorites and Civil Society Actors is one of the new engagements that are undertaken by ACP countries in cooperation with the EU. This partnership works through involving NGOs in the political dialogue and in the management of sectors according to their competences and influence. As most of these NGOs and CSOs lack the necessary capacities, this project aims at supporting them to better fulfil their roles.

Project Objectives

The programme aims at achieving the following goals:
1. Strengthening the operational capacities of CSOs;
2. Set-up of a national ressource center (neutral and autonomous)
3. Contribution of CSOs to the defintion of local public policy.

Project Activities Technical Assistance
