Equatorial Guinea

Assistance technique au Gouvernement de la République de Guinée Equatoriale dans les domaines des droits de l'homme, la démocratie et l'état de droit


BiRD-Bureau for Institutional
Reform and Democracy


Implementing Agency Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy GmbH
Financing Agency
European Commission - EDF
Start-Completion 01/2003­ 11/2004
Staff-months 1/22
Partner N/A
Project Background

Following prolonged dictatorship, Equatorial Guinea has taken gradual steps towards political liberalisation during the 1990s. The National Indicative Programme for the country, adopted in 2000, is based on the general objective of the promotion and protection of human rights as well as on the two specific objectives of the reinforcement of the rule of law and democratisation. This long-term governance programme contained various activities aimed at consolidating the legal system and at strengthening Parliament, the justice sector, and civil society.

Project Objectives

The main thrust of this project was to reinforce the changes the country has undergone so far. Within the general objective of the promotion and protection of human rights, the project's expected outputs were:
1. Consolidation of the Rule of Law, by means of guaranteeing due process and legal security as well as by increasing the efficiency of the judiciary and legislature with regard to the protection of human rights;
2. Reinforcement of democracy by means of facilitating the participation of civil society in the political, social, and economic life of the country and in the management of public services and the promotion of participative democracy at a decentralised level.

Project Activities Technical Assistance
