International Projects BiRD 2003

2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002
2001 2000 1999 1998
europe and africa unite for change

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2003 - 2006

Democratic Governance Support Programme (DGSP)

Equatorial Guinea
2003 - 2004

Assistance Technique au projet d'appui dans les domaines des droits de l'homme, la démocratie et l'état de droit: (more...)

Slovak Republic
2002 - 2003

Public Awareness Campaign Aimed at Lowering People's Tolerance towards Corrupt Behaviour: In co-operation with one Belgian and one Slovak partner, BiRD implemented an anti-corruption awareness campaign in the Slovak Republic, which focused on conducting a media campaign and four surveys. In co-operation with Slovak NGOs, educational activities were realised. BiRD, as leader of the consortium, was responsible for the project's coordination (more...)

August - November 2003

Mission d'Identification d'un appui communautaire dans le domaine de la consolidation de l'Etat de droit: In preparation for a long-term programme for the consolidation of the rule-of-law to be financed by the 9th EDF, this identification mission realised an audit of the justice system in Madagascar (in collaboration with other donors) and elaborated the details of a support programme in Madagascar (more...)

July - August 2003
Evaluation of the Programme "Promotion of the Rule of Law and Improvement of justice in Malawi": The main aim of this evaluation was to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the programme's first phase in order to improve during the second phase (more...)

May 2003

Final Evaluation of the Donor Information Centre on Elections in Kenya (DICE-K): This final evaluation served to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-donor initiative DICE-K and to compile a catalogue of lessons learned for similar information centres in Kenya and elsewhere (more...)